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Friday Question: If you could spend this weekend anywhere in the world…

1 Apr

Happy Friday All!

Let’s celebrate with some wanderlust, shall we? If you could spend this weekend anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?

If the genie granted me one wish, I’d spend this weekend in Tuscany, Italy. I’d visit various vineyards, tasting Chianti, Multipuciano,  and delicious Tuscan blends.



View of across the river, from downtown Florence

I’d pop over to Firenze (Florence) for a meal at my favorite restaurant in the

La Giostra

La Giostra in Florence

world: La Giostra on Borgo Pinti.

I’d pick up some gelato from Gelateria dei Neri on Via de Neri (my favorite in town), and stroll across the Ponte Vecchio to the Boboli Gardens, where I’d spend the rest of Sunday afternoon basking in the sun.

Gelateria dei Neri

Gelateria dei Neri

I’d finish the weekend by having wayyy too much food (and wine) at one of my other favorite restaurants, Il Latini, where the waiters bring food without menus and endless amounts of wine. One can dream…


Piazza della Signoria

Piazza della Signoria



The Duomo

Thanks so much for your support this first week. I can’t even believe how great these first few days have been and I’m super excited about continuing this journey! Feel free to reach out or leave comments. I’d love to hear from you!